Columbia Catastrophic Injury Lawyer

Serious Injury Lawyers in Columbia, MO

serious injury lawyer columbia moTragic injuries have lifelong consequences as they make victims endure permanent deformities like loss of limbs. Spinal cord and brain injuries, for instance, have adverse consequences that include huge medical expenses and total loss of income due to inability to work. It highly advisable to seek the help of a competent Columbia Serious Injury Lawyer if you are a victim of such devastating injuries to ensure that you are rightly compensated by the liable party.

The family as well as the victim usually experience huge emotional and psychological stress due to the catastrophic injury. If one experiences a devastating injury as a result of someone else’s negligence or carelessness, they are entitled to some kind of monetary compensation even when it wasn’t deliberate on the opposing party case.

When you have suffered a personal injury, then either you or your family reserve the right to pursue a personal injury claim and an experienced Columbia Serious Injury Attorney can help you with the legal process and ensure you get a substantial amount of compensation.

Our Columbia Injury Attorneys can help a victim of devastating injuries claim financial compensation that they deserve. They will weigh in all factors including medical expenses, mental duress, rehabilitation costs, extent of the injury, and loss of income among other things to ensure that you get substantial financial compensation.

With years in dealing with personal injuries cases, we are in the best position to ensure that the opposing party are scared and offer you a good settlement that is satisfactory and fair considering the position you are in presently is their fault.


Call Us Today For a FREE Case Review – (573) 415-8671


Types of Catastrophic Personal Injuries

  • Brain Injuries
  • Paralysis
  • Loss of Limb
  • Loss of Eyesight
  • Wrongful Death
  • Burn injuries


Brain Injury Attorneys

Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) can differ from minor concussions to your lifelong mental issues that are normally irreversible. This type of injuries often affect the victim’s thinking, reasoning, communication skills, ways of interacting, behavior, speech as a result they become depressed and disoriented all the times. Moreover, victims of traumatic brain injuries suffer physical impairments such as paralysis, weakness, impaired speech, or in serious cases, loss of life. The Human brain is usually at a huge risk of getting injured and it is believed up to 1.7 million Americans suffer traumatic brain injuries every year.

One of the top victims of traumatic brain injuries are casualties of automobile accidents. However, a good number of victims of slip and fall injuries, young kids and the elderly are tend to suffer from this type of injury. Other accidents that may cause traumatic brain injury include physical brawls, house and work place injuries, sports accidents, and building site accidents.

If you have suffered a traumatic brain injury recently, then rehabilitation programs are important and could ensure that you at least recover well. However, when you suffer a life threatening injury like a brain injury due to negligence and carelessness of another person or party, seeking compensation is the first step to partially heal your sufferings. We know that you have been through a lot and wish to recoup money lost due to medical bills and loss of income.

When you have suffered a traumatic brain injury due to someone else’s negligence, then get in touch with our dedicated and experienced Columbia Catastrophic Injury Attorney who are ready to fight for you. Our Columbia Catastrophic Injury Attorneys have your best interest at heart and will build your case from scratch and come up with important information that would help you win your case if it ever goes to trial. We will come up with the necessary evidence that would confirm the fault was on the opposing party and strengthen your claim for financial compensation. In most cases, we will get an out-of-court settlement but only if it is satisfactory.



Spinal cord injury is another life threatening injury that can be irreversible and damaging for an individual. As you know, spinal cord is a very important part of the body where the nerve system is located. Paralysis is one of the consequences of spinal cord injury and can stress the victim mentally and emotionally.  This is a SERIOUS injury!

Paralysis occurs when your spinal cord is injured to the extent the nerve receptors to your limbs lose their ability to function. A seemingly minor spinal cord injury may turn up to be a big deal affecting your bladder, muscle coordination, and respiration. Spinal cord injury could be sustained in a physical brawls, medical abuse, sport activities, slip and fall accident, or at work.

An injury to the spinal cord may make an individual loss their ability to work or do anything and this results to loss of income as well as mental and emotional stress. Moreover, this type of injury usually incur huge financial burden in terms of medical expenses and rehabilitation bills.

Our Columbia Catastrophic Injury Attorney are at your service waiting to ease your financial burden at your request. We will make sure you are compensated financially if your spinal injury was caused by another person’s negligence.


Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Carbon monoxide poisoning can also have adverse effects on an individual especially health wise. Carbon Monoxide is produced when there is an incomplete combustion of fuel in the absence of oxygen. When fuel such as gas, wood and petroleum burns in an enclosed space where oxygen is absent, the end product of combustion is carbon monoxide.

Extreme exposure to carbon monoxide may have severe repercussions especially physically and may lead to loss of life by asphyxiation.

Our blood transport oxygen from the lungs to every part of our body with the help of hemoglobin. Our body is dependent on oxygen to function properly, thus when oxygen doesn’t reach our cells, we cease to exist. Lack of oxygen can have adverse effects on the brain cells which may be permanent even when you recuperate after being exposed to oxygen. Carbon monoxide poisoning often lead to brain damage and can change a person’s life forever, even causing death.

Car exhaust, impartial fuel combustion, poorly installed fuel heat apparatus, and faulty heating system at work are among the leading causes of carbon monoxide poisoning. Individuals are known to suffer various cardiovascular ailments even after being exposed to insignificant quantities of carbon monoxide.

Cases involving suits associated with long-term carbon monoxide poisoning are usually complex. This is because diseases associated with this type of poisoning can also be caused by other factors like smoking. However, our Columbia Catastrophic Injury Attorneys have been dealing with such cases for decades now and have the necessary knowledge how to go about such legal proceedings. We will use our experience to ensure those who are responsible for your health issues pay adequately.

If an individual in your family suffers any kind of carbon monoxide poisoning as a result of negligent motorists or employers, our Columbia Catastrophic Injury Lawyers will ensure that the responsible party asks for a satisfactory settlement or go on trial where the verdict will definitely be in our favor.


Columbia, MO Lawyers For Burn Injuries

Burn injuries are common and may be as a result of numerous factors including an individual’s negligence. The severity of burn injuries vary and range from first degree to third degree burns. First degree burns are the least severe burns where only the outmost layer of skin is partially affected. Second degree burns on the hand are more severe than the former and characterized with blisters and extensive damage beyond the outermost skin layer. Third degree burns are the worst where entire skin is damaged and often leads to death. Victims of burn injuries usually have a difficult coming to terms with their situation and endure a lot of pain. Moreover, the effects of burns on an individuals are permanent and mostly irreversible. Medical bills that accompany this kind of injury can really stress the victim and put them in a difficult financial situation. However, our Columbia serious Injury Lawyers can help you ease the pain especially financially.

If you suffer burn injuries due to someone else’s negligence or carelessness, then you have the right to pursue some financial compensation that could help ease the huge medical bills and replace your lost income. You can take your employer to court in the event you endure burn injuries at your place of work due to their negligence such as absence of safety precautions. We can help you get the best deal by representing you during the entire legal proceeding if the case ever goes to trial. Otherwise, most opposing parties prefer to settle before going to trial and we will ensure you get the best monetary compensation.


Wrongful Death

If a person’s death is caused by another individual’s negligence and carelessness, a surviving family member can file a wrongful death suit against those responsible, in order to get financial compensation for the loss of their loved ones. Nothing on this world can replace the loss of a loved one but financial compensation can at least enable you go through this difficult period. Our Columbia Catastrophic Injury Lawyers can ensure that your family is considerably compensated.

Cases involving wrongful death suits are normally thrown out courts due to lack of enough evidence among other things. However, our Columbia Catastrophic Injury Lawyers will initially collect enough evidence to make the opposing party scared and force them into making a settlement that could be of a huge financial benefit to you.


Call Us Today For a FREE Case Review – (573) 415-8671