Columbia Workers’ Compensation Attorney

Workers’ Compensation Claims

Majority of workers who endure injuries or job are tricked out of their correct compensation from either their employers or insurance companies. They will often be persuaded to reduce their benefits with some companies even emphasizing that the injury occurred outside the workplace so as to avoid the consequences and liability of compensating the worker.

You can be sure to get all benefits due to you by hiring a Workers Compensation Lawyer to work with you through the case. Having the necessary legal advice makes filing for and receiving compensation simpler and faster.

Don’t hesitate to fill out a simple assessment form to get the assistance of a Columbia Workers’ Attorney and start on the process.


Call Us Today For a FREE Case Review – (573) 415-8671


How to choose the Best Workers Compensation Attorney in Columbia, Missouri

If you’re a worker who has endured any kind of injuries at your place of work, don’t hesitate to locate a Workers’ Compensation Attorney whose main focus is on personal injuries. Fortunately, our team is equipped with the necessary experience and skills to deal with any workers’ compensation case processes. We not only simplify the application process but also give assistance to our clients to help them avoid instances of deceiving tactics that are often used to swindle off workers from their entitled reimbursement.

Our team of Attorneys always understand the developments or changes made to the workers compensation act since they are part of the organization that regulates laws in the state of Missouri.  We use our years of experience to protect the right of our clients and ensure that they receive the entitlement they deserve despite legal regulations that may work against them.

It is the victims legal right to submit a claim since the only exclusion is building a businesses which are permitted to get insurance even when they have only one worker.

The workers compensation claim requires special details as opposed necessarily to the original report. The details must include the reason for the injury, the location and the time, and if there were any witnesses at the scene.

Claims are not restricted to personal injuries only but also illness incurred in the line of duty. Remember that Missouri will not require the applicant of the claim to confirm the responsible party for the sickness, injury or death.

After you’ve filed the claim you also need to do is to get a medical examination done by a Medical practitioner selected by the company or one another of your choice but approved by the company.


Regardless of the extent of injury or illness the worker may have endured and the compensation they receive will still necessitate them to have a medical examination or health evaluation immediately after the incident.

Although the purpose of an IME is to measure the degree of the injury to determine the best compensation, it can also be used against the worker. Some insurance providers may even join forces with the medical practitioners to reduce the amount of damages that you’re entitled to.

There’s very little the worker can do to get an accurate analysis in such an event where the insurance company is working together with the medical attendant. But the best way to defend yourself is to hire Workers’ Compensation Attorney to represent you, as they will be able to ensure transparency and accuracy to the process.

It is not unusual for a damage claim to be rejected. The insurance provider may declare that the injury or sickness was caused by a pre-existing medical condition or the company may claim that the injury happened outside the place of work or the injured worker provided wrongful information on the degree of the injury or sickness.

In such cases, the injured worker must submit a request to appeal.

This is why DOAH trails must be extensively prepared for. The injured worker must provide documentation that will work as evidence to the court. Some of the documents are:

  • Full incident reports
  • Medical reports from accredited specialists
  • Witness instruction and declarations

Other that documentation, the worker must also present medical experts and witnesses who are well prepared to give a testimonial as well as provide rejections against the case produced by the insurance company.

It is quite an overwhelming task for the injured worker to gather the necessary resources to appeal the case when they’re still on their road to recovery after the injury or sickness. A qualified Workers’ compensation will be able to ease the burden of having to deal with legal issues by arranging for the necessary documentation, gathering witnesses and challenge your case professionally to gain the best results.


Appeal After a Workers’ Compensation Claims Is Rejected By the Company or Insurance Company

Along with the assistance of a qualified Columbia Workers Compensation, majority of workers are granted their entitled settlement through a judge, 30 days after the trail.

At this time, it is very important to involve an attorney since it could be your final chance to claim compensation through the legal system.

If involving the court in this matter is not a viable option, the injured party may choose to resolve the disagreement through negotiation. A neutral third party will be requested to give a resolution for both the injured worker and the insurance party in case of arbitration.

However, it is still important for the worker to have an attorney present during the arbitration to get the best out of it as well as get representation all through the negotiation. The lawyer may either request the company to keep you as an employee of theirs by giving you light duties that will not affect your injury or give a financial advantage.

Types of Work Injuries that are eligible for Workers Compensation

There’re quite a number of procedure and risk-free benefits that our Columbia workers’ compensation attorneys can file for related to work injuries. Some of them include:

  • Accidents suffered at any kind of workplace, even at theme parks and building sites
  • Injuries incurred from inadequate appropriate job training
  • Injuries to the muscles, bones and discs as a result of performing activities that place pressure on these areas
  • Head or brain injuries caused from the accident
  • Burn wounds from cold or heat sources
  • Injuries or death as a result of handling faulty machinery

The common misunderstanding that the process to gain workers compensation is extremely lengthy, costly and difficult, discourages many from pursuing it. The best Workers Compensation Attorney will guide you on the procedure standards as well as give you particular answers to your specific case.

There’re various kinds of injuries ranging from injuries to the head because something dropped on it to those caused by faulty machinery.

Some of the frequently asked questions workers have regarding the process include the following:

What steps should I take if I have suffered an injury?

If you suffer an injury quickly report and give information immediately to the company.

About how much compensation am I eligible to?

The amount of compensation mainly depends on the type and extent of the work injury. It is only qualified medical experts that are allowed to examine the injury and give their expert opinion.

Changes made recently to the law have minimized the amount of compensation that may be received as a result of work injury. Workers with no attorney may generally receive fewer benefits. Hiring a Columbia Workers Compensation in Columbia could well be the right step to take ad wise thing to do so as to acquire a complete compensation.

The injured party has 21 days after the original incident report is received by the company to obtain compensation, failure of which necessitates the injured party to consider contacting a Workers Compensation Attorney and file a legal suit through DOAH. 


Am I Allowed to File a Claim When I Am At Fault?

The State of Missouri follows a no-fault system which means that it is acceptable to file for regain benefits irrespective of the person at fault if a work injury or ailment occurs.

If you’re a victim of injury at work and you need assistance to receive compensation, contact a lawyer in Columbia, MO to guide you through the steps to take. Our Workers Compensation Attorneys will assist you through most steps of your case to ensure that you receive compensation from your employer, insurance companies or even third parties involved.